Monday, July 26, 2010

The Wait is Almost Over...

After shopping around for the last several months, I've decided on a Yoder Smokers pellet grill.  Don Cary of Yoder Smokers and All Things BBQ showed me his prototype a couple of weeks ago and I was sold.  This is a brand new line of pellet grills so I'm still waiting for production of the unit but will find out a estimated completion date soon. Don has made an impressive unit, made of heavier gauge steel than you'll find from the competition and it's manufactured just north of me in Yoder, KS.  If you're in the Wichita area be sure to check out his store, All Things BBQ or visit their website linked at the left.

UPDATE:  Estimated delivery is currently the last week of August or first week of September.  I'm feeling like a kid at Christmas time!

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