Sunday, September 12, 2010

Smoked Chicken Cordon Bleu

I had a chance to try a smoked version of Chicken Cordon Bleu this evening.  The recipe is courtesy of my friend, Rob Green, at  He has some great recipes and techniques to share.  If you haven't been over to his site, be sure to check it out.

I started by laying out two slices of Black Forest Ham, overlapping slightly.  Apply a good squirt of Dijon Mustard and top with a long chunk of Swiss Cheese.  Here it is starting to come together.

Roll this up and set aside.  Then I cut a deep a hole in the end of some chicken breasts, deep enough for the ham rolls to fit inside.  Here they are stuffed and ready for smoking.

I smoked them on the Yoder at 225 until they were done with an internal temp of 165.  This took roughly 3 hours.  Here's one plated up with some mashed sweet potatoes, beer battered okra, and fresh peaches.  It was some good eating at our house tonight.

And here's what the inside looked like.

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